The benefits of
fermented Birch Sap
Quenching thirst
Fermented birch sap products with the best taste properties and high sensory quality also help customers with high demands to quench their thirst all year round.
Probiotic effect
Acidified birch sap products are good alternative to milk-based products with probiotic properties and are suitable to use by people with lactose intolerance, milk protein allergy, cholesterol-lowering diets, or vegetarians.
Helps to restore the microflora in the human intestine.
During fermentation, sugars are converted into organic acids, mainly lactic acid Lactobacillus and various other aromatic compounds, vitamins and enzymes, and so on. This means that fermented birch sap is sugar-free.
About us
Birch (Latin Betula) has been valued by our ancestors due to the diversity of its uses and healing properties. Birch buds and leaves are used as medicines, while twigs are used for whipping in the sauna.
Birch juice has been harvested and consumed in Estonian areas since ancient times. Our ancestors drank the juice fresh in the spring because it was tonic and helped the body to cleanse after a long winter. For consuming a worthy drink later, for example during the making of summer hay, they learned to preserve birch sap through the acidification process.
Kasevetekohin OÜ was established in 2016 by a group of enthusiasts to revive traditional products in a modern solution. Over the years, we have gone through the stages of picking, processing, and marketing birch sap. Our main goal is to keep all activities as close to nature as possible – this ensures high-quality products and supports a healthy lifestyle. All our products have an organic certificate. We use modern technologies that allow products to be stored for longer without changing their original properties. Learning and testing is an ongoing process and it keeps the spirit of our team alert.
About birch sap harvest
The harvest time for birch sap is 2 to 3 weeks in spring from March to April. To collect the juice, we use a closed hose system, where the juice is collected in the forest with a vacuum and pumped into production. Such technology ensures the purity and quality of raw materials.
In product development, we cooperate with the Center of Food and Fermentation Technologies located at Tallinn University of Technology. One of the most important parts of product development is the use of various bacteria to enrich the taste properties and add other health benefits.
In addition, we have developed a number of products that we produce only on pre-order – for example, birch juice with different concentration levels (Brix 5 – Brix 10) and traditional birch juice syrup (strongly caramelized).

Company values
By 2025, we will become a recognized producer and distributor of organic acidified birch sap on the international market.
Our birch sap farm is characterized by an environmental-friendly relationship between humans and organically certified birch trees. This allows us to manufacture our products in the least polluting way. The owners know the best ways to develop and produce exciting and useful products based on natural birch sap. Our products are designed to quench thirst, promote health, and just for enjoying. We want to bring these natural products that improve the quality of life to people all over the world. The company values honesty, openness, and reliable cooperation with business partners.
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